I’m holding a red balloon in my hands…
It has no air in it so it’s long, thin and stretchy.
This is my story – this balloon.
Just a simple story with a beginning, a middle and an end. One line of narrative.
If I move this way, it disappears altogether.
If you’re too far away you won’t even know it’s there. So how would you notice and follow the story?
It would be a shame if you missed it. It’s a very exciting story full of intrigue, emotion and thrills.
I’m going to put some air in the balloon – fill out my story.
So I start blowing it up. It’s expanding now into a rounded world of stories.
This is exciting. There’s more to see – even from right back there where you are there.
It’s still my story but now it’s a storyWORLD. My original story is there, along with some more back story, some extra content to explore and some new types of story that you can bounce around yourself.
It’s a world of story. You can see it can’t you?
From any direction?
People love balloons. And they love stories too.
If you give someone part of a really good story, the next thing they want … is more story.
But don’t worry, I have loads of story in this balloon.
Krish.. LOVE this analogy.. it’s so on point dude.. Thanks for sharing.. you rock!
Thanks Jonathan – I’m working on a video for this which ends with a bang!
or you and said balloon floating off into the sky????
I can dream I suppose..>!